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Here is a list of other cool Urban Exploration related websites:
http://www.uecanada.ca - Urban Exploration Canada
http://www.infiltration.org - Infiltration
http://www.uer.ca - Urban Exploration Resource
http://uem.minimanga.com - Urban Exploration Montreal
http://uel.minimanga.com/ - Urban Exploration London
http://urm.minimanga.com/ - Urban Recon Montreal
http://ca.geocities.com/tul0001/inner-index.htm - The Urban Landscape
http://www.suburbanexploration.tk/ - SUE
http://frigo.ath.cx/401/ - [collectif 401]
http://theplaceforthings.bravehost.com/urban_ex.html - Creeper's Urban Exploration
http://www.forgottenoh.com - Forgotten Ohio
http://hospital.apoka.com/ - The Hospital