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Logik is the equipment dude of UEQ and is also the main Webmaster of this website. This guy was born to explore! Even at the young age of 5, Logik wanted to enter buildings.

Cameras: Nikon Coolpix 4300 digital camera, JVC GR-SXM536 (Super VHS) Video Camera

Status : Active   # of missions : 13



Skyline always thinking everything is safe never backs up to go into a building! Skyline is UEQ's official photographer and information source.

Camera : Nikon Coolpix 5000 digital camera

Status : Active  # of missions : 3



Split used to have  to be pushed by the group to enter a building but now goes in no matter what. Split also enjoys taking photos and is very knowledgeable.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5000 digital camera

Status: Inactive   # of missions : 11